Thursday, December 27, 2012

Snow in American Fork.

Alright, so I haven't seen snow since 2010 when I went up to Wisconsin for my grandfather's funeral. Then I get my Mission Call to Provo Utah, I'm like ok, that mean's i'm going to be experiencing snow. And driving in it. Well, now i don't have to drive in it cause of my incident back in September, but i am sure now experiencing it :) Here are some loverly pictures of my snowy day's in Utah. I prayed for a white Christmas, and thats what i Got!

This is In Orem, back in November, this is an investigators
house that had a LOT of snow.

Got a little bit of snow in American Fork, so I wrote
on the Car windows

Epic Snow Man that me and my Companions built
with our landlord's son Logan

After building the snow man, we made Snow angels,
Mine is on the Left, Sister Mamea's in the center and Sister
Wood on the Right, Logan is on top

Snow Christmas Eve

This here was when I kidnapped my Companions bunny and put him in
a bag on the car mirror.
Here I am in Sandals standing in about 2 inches of snow :)

Helping the LandLords son's Bronson and Lincolin shovel snow from the
drive way.

We're working so hard! :P

12-26-2012 Snow fort built by Bronson, Sister McFarlane and
Sister Wood! :) It was epic

our Supply of snow balls that got snowed on during the night.

12-26-2012 Snow Fort built by Logan, Lincolin and sister Mamea,
They built it almost like a igloo

Beautiful picture of the sun set on the snow in the trees. 
Taken at the mission home in Provo.

My Name written on the car

Snow man, that kinda sort of looks like Elmo. Built at the Mission home
with my bare hands, no gloves, gee can't you tell i'm from the south.

Looking at these pictures, can't you tell how much fun i'm having here in the Utah-Provo Mission. All of ya'll that are in California (meaning you elder reinhardt) Bragging about how nice it is, well i'm just going to say, Too bad ya'll aren't here enjoying the fun snow with me. :P I love you.   Now there is about a foot of snow on the ground and its going to stay for a while.

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