Alright I leave in one week to go on my mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have been called to serve in the Utah Provo Mission and I report to the Missionary Training Center (MTC) July 11th.
This is something new to me, so i'm really nervous about it because I really don't know what to expect. I'm afraid that I won't be the best missionary, and sound like I don't know anything about the church. But I know that this is going to be a learning experiance for me and a growing experiance as a person. Probably one last step I have to take before I get married and start my own family. I'm not looking forward to saying "see ya laters" to all of my friends that I have gotten to know and love. Especially the one's I talk to everyday. Having to go from talking every day to once a week is going to take a heavy toll on me. But needless to say I'm very excited to be going on a mission. I've worked my butt off towards this goal since October of last year. Including having extreme dental surgery that I wish I could have avoided. Its all for a good cause.
So I get set apart as a Full Time Missionary on July 4th, what a special day to become a Missionary of the Lord. Then July 5th I get on the aeroplane to Salt Lake City Utah, where I will be staying with my Aunt Julie for a week before having to report July 11th at 1:10 pm. My cousin Courtney and I will be doing a temple spree before I have to report and we're going to be going to 6 different Temples, oh the blessing of living in Utah. I'm going to have Her or my cousin Carli keep up my blog!
I am so thankful that I am going to have friends serving the Lord at the same time as I. We're going to make such a great support system for each other, encouraging each other! Though, of all my friends serving Mission's I'm the only one in Utah. Everyone else is in California.
~Elder Bourgeois: San Fernando, California
~Elder Reinhardt: Arcadia, California
~Elder Kidd: Los Angelos, California
~Sister Gilmer: Riverside, California.
We're an awesome team!
I would like to bear my testimony, that I know with out a shread of doubt that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the only true church on the Earth today. That Joseph Smith did see God the Father and Jesus Christ in the grove of trees in New York. That he was called to be a Latter-Day Prophet to restore Christ's Church upon the Earth again and to translate The Book of Mormon. I know that The Book of Mormon is another Testiment of Jesus Christ. That the contents of the book are true, that he did come to the America's after he was crucified and taught and ministered unto the ancient americans. I know that Thomas S. Monson is the living Prophet today, that he continues to lead, guide and council the saints to continue to come unto Christ and becoming a member of the church. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.
I wish you all the best of luck in everything that you guys do, I will miss you and will think of you guys from time to time! Keep me and all the other missionaries in the world in your prayers.
With love,
Sis. McFarlane.